About Counselling

DiST provides professional counselling and psychological assistance to students. Since their emotional wellbeing is of utmost importance, the college aims to promote and ensure a healthy environment. Students with issues related to academic performance, emotional disturbances, familial issues, behavioural problems, and social isolation are provided help through professional counselling services.

The college has two professional counsellors that provide these services to P.G. and U.G. students. An orientation session on counselling is given to the students of each class, so that the misconception about the word ‘counselling’ is removed. Those who need such aid can either approach the counsellor or may be identified by teachers who would then refer them for counselling. The entire process takes place in a private and confidential environment. Different therapies and methods are used by the counsellors to help the students depending upon the nature and need of the issue.

Counselling has helped students handle their emotional and psychological difficulties better. They become self-motivated, self-confident and self-reliant. As a result, there is an improvement in their academic performances as well as the development of the right behaviour, values and ethics in their life.

Counselling Policy

Legal and Ethical Conduct

Counsellors at DiST are expected to adhere to the ethical standards and code of conduct for professional practice recommended by the professional organizations that represent their field of practice. Whenever in doubt, counsellors should discuss ethical and legal dilemmas in consultation with professional peers, the Director and/or the Management.


Confidentiality is key to the process of counselling and as such will be respected and maintained by all students and staff. Each individual is entitled to privacy in his/her session with the counsellor. All contact methods with the counsellor are confidential. If it becomes clear in the counselling session that there is a real danger to the student or others, it is required to take action to help maintain safety. Counsellors are legally and ethically required to address these kinds of imminent safety risks, even if it involves breaking confidentiality.

Record Keeping

Appropriate records must be maintained including details of the student’s case history. It contains the student’s name, the date of each session, those present at the session and a brief summary of the main issues discussed. Similarly, meetings and/or telephone conversations regarding the student with parents, staff etc. must also be documented. Records are kept in secure electronic and paper form.

Referal Service

Refer the students to professional psychiatrists in severe cases after informing the college authorities and parents. Occasionally, referrals will be made by the counsellors to external professionals, such as doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. This may be necessary depending on the nature of the problem and the degree of intervention required. External referrals will be discussed with the student and their parent/guardian and the rationale for the referral will be explained. Counsellors will facilitate and collaborate this referral process with the consent of the parent/guardian.

Support for Staff

DiST recognises that staff may at times need support. Counselling services are available to all staff and employees will be afforded reasonable time off work to attend counselling and support sessions. All employees are encouraged to make use of these services if they are feeling stressed, for whatever reason. Any employee can telephone and arrange an appointment in confidence concerning their condition, the causes of it and appropriate action which might be taken to assist them.


Action Plan