School of
Computer Science PG

Conference / Seminars

Conference / Seminars

Computer Science students and faculty members participate in a number of ongoing seminars and workshops sponsored by the department. Seminars and conferences are very common and popular means of interactive fora in modern day business world. Used effectively they can play a vital role in the dissemination of knowledge and build-up of skills. They facilitate intense deliberations through participation and interaction in an organized manner.

  • On 24th September 2020 a webinar on ‘Future with Artificial Intelligence’ was organized by the department. It was conducted by EduExplore Sessions. The webinar was conducted for students of MCA 18-(L)19, IMCA17 & MCA 19 batches. Artificial intelligence is impacting the future of virtually every industry and every human being. Artificial intelligence has acted as the main driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics and IoT, and it will continue to act as a technological innovator for the foreseeable future.
  • On 23rd September 2020 a webinar on ‘Social Engineering Attacks’ was organized by the department. It was conducted by EduExplore Sessions. The webinar was conducted for students of MCA 18-(L)19, IMCA17 & MCA 19 batches. Cybercriminals use social engineering in 98% of attacks. Social engineering is an attack vector that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves manipulating people into breaking normal security procedures and best practices to gain unauthorized access to systems, networks or physical locations or for financial gain.
  • On 20th and 21st August 2020 a webinar on ‘Career, Computers & Covid –Confusion to Clarity’ was organized by the department. The webinar was conducted for students of MCA 18-(L)19, DDMCA16, IMCA17 , IMCA18, IMCA19 & MCA 19 batches.
  • On 27th February 2018 a seminar on ‘3D Printing’ was organized by the department. It was conducted by a student Rinto Antony of DDMCA15 batch. The seminar was conducted for students of MCA16, MCA (L) 17 & MCA17-(L) 18-(D) 18 batches. Designers use 3D printers to quickly create product models and prototypes, but they're increasingly being used to make final products, as well. 3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.
  • On 27th February 2018 a seminar on ‘IPv4-IPv6’ was organized by the department. It was conducted by Protocol41, Kochi.The seminar was conducted for 59 students of MCA15-(L) 16 & MSc16 batch students. The internet has undoubtedly become a huge part of our lives. Many people in today’s generation are relying on the internet to do a lot of different tasks. IPV4-IPV6 is an internet protocol necessary for Internet-enabled devices to communicate.
  • On 5th December 2017 a seminar on ‘Digital Marketing’ was organized by the department. It was conducted by “DigiAcharya” group. The seminar was organized for all 2017 batch students. Today, the Internet is a boon that provides endless opportunities for your small, medium or large business. Currently, more than half of the global population uses the Internet. Experts say that in coming years above 80% of the world population will be online. Therefore, digital marketing has become an integral part of marketing.
  • On 30th November 2017 a seminar on ‘Biometric Verification’ was organized by the department. The seminar was organized for all integrated MCA students. The seminar was conducted by CIAT Pvt.Ltd. Biometrics allows a person to be identified and authenticated based on a set of recognizable and verifiable data, which are unique and specific to them. Faced with document fraud and identity theft, with new threats such as terrorism or cybercrime, and faced with the understandable changes in international regulations, new technological solutions are gradually being implemented. One of these technologies, Biometrics has quickly established itself as the most pertinent means of identifying and authenticating individuals in a reliable and fast way, through the use of unique biological characteristics.
  • On 2th August 2017 a SEO seminar was organized by the department. The seminar was conducted by Three Seas, Trivandrum. The seminar was arranged for MCA15-(L) 16 batch students and M.Sc.16 batch students. The right website is the one which will fetch business for you. This is why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become critical for the survival on the World Wide Web. The process of bringing a higher ranking on the Search Engine Result Page is done through a process of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The possibility of potential clients clicking and coming into your website increases as a result. This will help to boost the business.